
Googlism - "What Does Google 'Think' About You?"

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Googlism.com will find out what Google.com thinks of you, your friends or anything! Search for your name here or for a good laugh check out some of the popular Googlisms below. "What Does Google 'Think' About You?" - Poynter.org
Who The Googlism.com concept was conceived by Paul Cherry and creatively programmed by Chris Morton. Googlism.com is in no way affiliated, sponsored or in any way the property of, or responsibility of Google.com (Google Inc). However, we do use Google.com for creating our exciting and funny results. If you have any comments, suggestions or otherwise, please contact us at mailto:support@googlism.com Googlism.com is owned by an Australian company Domain Active, there we go, we saved you the hassle of doing a whois.
What Googlism was created as a fun tool to see what Google "thinks" of certain topics and people. Of course, the results are not really Google's opinion, they're yours, the web site owners of the world. Within the Google results are thousands of your thoughts and opinions about thousands of different topics, people, names, things and places, we simply search Google and let you know what website owners think about the name or topic you suggested. When The Googlism idea was formulated in September 2002 and developed that month for a world wide release in early October 2002. Welcome to Googlism.com, what are your Googlisms? NEWS! Sometime early January 2004, Google.com adopted measures to prevent Googlism.com from querying the Google servers to find new Googlisms. We are not upset, due to the immense popularity of Googlism.com, we were requesting an average of 15,000 unique queries a day. We have just over 1.7 million unique Googlisms in total and since opening we served around 16 million total searches, or an average of 35,000 searches per day. Where Googlism.com has received links from thousands of webmasters and websites all around the world. We have had online reviews in PCMag.com, About.com, ZDNet.com, and many more. Print articles in worldwide magazines and newspapers, including one book that we know of. There are a couple of pages about Googlism in "Google Hacks - 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tricks" By Tara Calishain and Rael Dornfest.