
Today's Favorite Right-Clicks - ClipPath, RunAsLimitedUser, and Clean Sources

I loves me the right-click. I right-click in my sleep. Any utility that lets me right-click to do something that is a hassle, is my new best friend. Oh, and not crashing Explorer.exe is a requirement.

Here's my three favorites today (there are others for later):

  • RunAsLimitedUser - Jonas Blunck does it again. The only guy who writes more stuff is Jeff Key. Anyway, RunAsLimitedUser will launch an application using an account that has a limited set of permissions on my box. It's different than the shift-right-click RunAs...which lets you run as any user. If you're doing development in a restricted or very restricted environment, it's the tool. Slick.
  • ClipPath - Adds a context-menu to put the current path from Explorer in your clipboard. Even better, you can chosse from \'s or /'s, as well as Outlook friendly <file:///http://www.hanselman.com/blog/content/binary/whatever>. Why wasn't this in Windows already?
  • Clean Sources - "This Application does one thing. It adds an explorer shell menu to folders that when selected will recursively delete the contents of the bin, obj and setup folders. If you have a .NET project that you wish to share with some one, this is useful to remove the unnecessary stuff from the folder before you zip it up and send it off."
[Via ComputerZen.com - Scott Hanselman's Weblog]