Screen Scraping, ViewState, and Authentication using ASP.Net
Screen Scraping, ViewState, and Authentication using ASP.Net
Screen Scraping, ViewState, and Authentication using ASP.Net
Posted by scott on Saturday, July 03, 2004
This article will examine three options to fetch HTML output from a URL, including how to fetch the output of an ASPX page using Viewstate and forms based authentication.
Before web services came along, screen scraping was a popular technique for grabbing the output from another application by examining the text it displays on the screen. For web applications, this meant making a request to a URL and examining the HTML the server returns. You could then parse the HTML to grab the latest news headlines or stock quotes from a news site, or the price of a book on
With RSS, XML, and Web Services, the need to screen scrape has diminished, but is not extinct. In this article we will examine a few methods to grab the HTML from another URL and for display in your own page.
Ugyan a screen scraping technológiát vagy 30 éve használom, de jól meghatározott output-ok esetében (SNA). Érdekes lehet a szívás, ha az elég inkonzisztens web oldalakat kellene elemezni. Lehet, hogy megéri.
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